Wednesday 9 November 2011

The Chief Principle

The world is in transition, we are slowly crystallizing into a new global civilization. This transformation calls for a redefinition of many words and conceptions. One of these conceptions that needs to be redefined is that of the family. The family is so important as it is the foundation of this global civilization. It is in the family where we learn the attitudes and habits which we will carry out into the greater society. Let us explore one of the Chief principles which must be present in a family after the jump.

Welcome to Equal Wings

Dear friends, thank you for checking out the Baha'i Academy's Sister site to our "Developing Moral Capabilities" blog. This blog was created out of a need to have a space to explore the first practical exercise which the participants in Baha'i Academy's course on universal human values. This exercise is called the "Equal Wings" assignment and allows the students to reflect on three situations in their extended family in which there exists inequality between men and women. It is then their job to come up with a line of action for each situation which will help move their family towards equality. We will be sharing strategies and telling stories about our experience here at the Academy in working with hundreds of students and teachers for change in their community.